I love working with my hands and making things. At the end of the day, I find it very satisfying to be able to look at the things I've made and say "this is what I did today".
What I did:
Finished assembling the scaled circuit breaker model for our senior design project. This involved gluing up the sides of the box, and screwing on the wheels and the rollers. We did not have a thin enough wrench to tighten the roller between the two surfaces, so I had to make one.
Began prototyping the device to reduce torsion in coils of optical fibers. I used the laser cutter with 1/4" acrylic. I designed the part so that I could prototype it in 1/4" layers, stacking and gluing together different profiles to get the correct geometry of the final part. The part on the bottom is composed of just two layers. The part on the top (with the spiraling slots) is a single layer part.